Laboratory of Semiotics - SemioLab

The Laboratory of Semiotic Research (SemioLab) was founded in 2016 (State Gazette 610/8-3-2016) and provides educational, research and training assistance to basic and applied research in the discipline of Semiotics.

The mission of the Laboratory of Semiotics (SemioLab) is to:

  1. Support the teaching and research needs, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, of the Departments of the Faculty of Philosophy that participate as partners, as well as the needs of other Faculties, on issues pertaining to the disciplines of the laboratory.
  2. Train expert scientists to a high theoretical and practical level on the topics that are relevant to the SemioLab.
  3. Collaborate in any possible way with research centers, academic institutions, domestic and international institutions that share common goals, as well as with centers providing services in the fields of culture, education, visual communication and advertising.
  4. Organize scientific lectures, research days, seminars, symposia, conferences, courses, and other scientific events, publish research and invite scholars and practitioners of international calibre.
  5. Provide services in accordance with the provisions of Presidential Decree 159/1984 (issue A’ no. 53).
  6. Provide legal opinion on various issues (e.g. legal cases, court consultants) related to the disciplines of the laboratory, in accordance with legislation.
  7. Collect, analyze, store and disseminate data.